iMicro® Micropore SC-01 System
iMicro® Micropore SC-01 System

Standard thickness: 1 mm

Front width: 150 mm   Bottom width: 50 mm  Height: 50 mm

Length: ≤ 3500 mm

System keel: 0.6 mm dedicated keel

Noise Reduction Coefficient(NRC): 0.63

Recommand Price:USD63/㎡(Extended Price)

Technical Data
20.49 Mb
7.64 Mb
纳声®超微SC-01超微孔静音系统(3D max版本).zip
0.52 Mb
0.05 Mb
0.21 Mb

iMicro® Micropore Theory and Advantages

According to the theory of micro-perforated sound-absorbing structure proposed by Academician Ma Dayou of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with the Institute of Acoustics of Tongji University, a series of acoustic products for sound quality improvement and sound absorption and noise reduction have been developed.

Through the punching of ≤ 0.2 mm Micropore in metal plate, this series of products fully expands the good sound absorption performance and sound absorption frequency range of Micropore sound absorption structure. It is especially suitable for places with high environmental quality, hygiene and cleanliness requirements. With the development and improvement of materials and perforation processing technology, Micropore sound absorption structure products are widely used in wall and top decoration of various places.


iMicro® SC-01 Micropore Sound Absorbing Single Board System

Adopting super-micropore on metal materials to meet coexist of decoration and achieve sound absorption, that is, "acoustic encounter aesthetics", it can be matched with modified materials to meet the requirements of reverberation time or language clarity in space when carrying out architectural acoustic design. Concave and convex structure can be considered in library, theater, office conference room and other scenes, the surface can be sprayed or coated, to achieve different design results and sound environment treatment.

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